Top 5 Tips for relieving Stress - Newsmytra


Stress has become an unavoidable part of your life no matter how hard we try there is always a room for it. In today's world with rapidly increasing competition the amount of stress an individual experience is rapidly increasing. Here are a few things that do not take much of your time and are good stress relievers without much effort.


  1. Yoga - Yoga gradually lowers the heartbeat and releases endorphins from the brain which is a feel good hormone. researchers have proven that practicing yoga 30 mins a day can lower the risk of depression by 80%. Yoga balances our body and mind and fades the irritation of the day. Yoga is a great alternative to medicine for anxiety.

  2. Get enough sleep - Brain recharges through sleep. It works as fuel for a healthy mind. Getting sufficient 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night keeps our mind healthier for a longer period of time. The quantity of undisturbed sleep affects our energy level.

  3. Keep a journal - Journaling is the best way to put your mind at peace. You don't need to be grammatically correct or your writing needs to make sense to others. journaling before bed time helps to have a sound sleep by releasing your emotions and lowering the level of stress.

  4. Avoid unhealthy habits - It is said you are what you eat. Practicing unhealthy habits can relieve stress for a time being but in the long run causes damage to the body leading to fatal diseases and even death at sudden cases.

  5. Laugh - As it is said laughter is the best medicine. Laughing lighters up your mental mood and helps to gain a positive impression in front of others.Laughter fires up and then cools down your stress response.


Life is too short to live a stressful day consecutively. the next time you find yourself stressing out on things you can have no control over trying one of the things mentioned above to change your mood and shift your focus towards a better future.