8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

A rainy-day trip for some individuals means looking out the car window and imagining themselves in an emotional Bollywood scene, and for some, it is the petrichor, must-inhale-the-vibe kind. The bottom line is that it is fun. Everything around you looks fresh and vibrant. It is a different kind of fun traveling during the monsoon season.

But, if you are not well-prepared for the season, this could smoothly be one of the worst experiences. So we have made a checklist of travel tips, do’s, and don’ts for monsoon trips.


Check the weather forecast:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

Always review the weather prediction for the day and the subsequent day, relying on the essence of your travel. If the forecast says extreme weather conditions like heavy rainfall, hailstones, or storms, it is best to stay put. If you are traveling to the hills, there might be chances of landslides and cloudbursts in hilly areas.

First-aid and insect repellants:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

The weather has cleared, and you can see that it’s the perfect time to pitch a tent, and make sure that you have packed insect repellants. Also, you have a first-aid kit, fully stocked for emergencies like cuts and scrapes. Always carry ONLY physician-prescribed medicines.

Say No to street food:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

Avoid eating uncovered food this season. If you are out for hiking or camping, please drink only boiled or purified water. Use transportable purifiers!

Pick the Right footwear:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

We are speaking about monsoon, so two things to save in mind: waterproof shoes with suitable grip and sturdy sandals. For walking short distances, sturdy sandals are good, and they will have better support than a flip flop and will dry faster too.

Synthetic over cottonwear:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

Nothing more unsatisfactory than holding to load wet clothes that will not only add to the weight of the bag but also is a smelly business. Synthetic clothes are a good choice because they are lighter in weight, and are quick-drying too.

Waterproof everything:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

You need to waterproof all the accessories. Zip-lock bags, normal polybags, or special waterproof pouches are smoothly available for your belongings.

Avoid stepping out during rush hour:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

It’s the monsoon season, and you don’t understand when it will begin to rain; to be on the safer side, evade stepping out during the extreme rush hour.

A raincoat is an essential item:

8 Monsoon Travel Checklist Items to Cross Before Your Travels

We prefer raincoats over umbrellas. A raincoat will not take up a lot of space because it is super light in weight.