5 indicators that it's time to Replace your Carpet | House-Cleaning Hacks


No matter how beautiful the thing is, it always comes up with an expiry date. With time even the best things need to be replaced. Carpet is a thick piece of cloth laid on the floor in order to avoid stains with regular cleanliness and its lifespan can be increased. Here are a few ways to find out whether you need to go shopping to get yourself a new carpet.


  1. Stains are the new decoration in the carpet : Some stains are difficult to remove by any form of cleaning. If the stain is minor it can be hidden by furniture but major stains are difficult to hide. Stains of paint,wine,and oil are very difficult to get rid off.

  2. Foul Orders won't go away : If you notice bad breath even after deep cleans from the carpet which may also be due to the combination with floor of the blanket or if you have any pet in this case carpet replacement along with fixing the major problem is necessary to fix the smell.

  3. Allergy symptoms : In case you notice some of the common allergic symptoms like coughing, itching , running nose the root cause may be beneath your foot as some pollen, dust get stuck there for a long period of time.

  4. The carpet is old : Sometimes repairing costs more than getting a new one. If you notice faded colour, odd smell it's probably the right time to switch to a new one as sometimes deep cleansing is not the option to get rid of wrinkles or ripples. 

  5. Visible Damage : When the damages are major, like mould damage which cannot be hidden and show visible marks, the only way to get rid of them in a cost effective method is to get yourself a new one.