Two ingredients to build immunity, ‘no cooking’ recipes that will protect you against all illnesses


The winter season is upon us. And with the coming winter comes viral and cold. The changing season will affect people with compromised immunity the most. With people sneezing all around you, it is best to protect yourself by improving your immunity.

Building immunity is not an overnight process but requires constant care. Hence, a simple and fast method to build immunity is the only way to have consistent care. 

One such recipe we bring you today requires only two ingredients. These two ingredients are present in your kitchen and take less than 1 minute.

These two ingredients are black pepper and water. 


Recipe and cooking technique. 

Making this immunity-rich drink is very fast. With only 3-5 pepper seeds you can make the drink. for consumption that is without any side effects. In a pan take water as per the number of individuals. For each member take 3 to 5 pepper seeds and boil in water. 

Cut the gas once the water comes to a boil, let it cool till the level of consumption. Once the water is cool enough to drink the liquid will have a slightly yellow color from the pepper seeds. Strain the liquid in glasses per individual and drink at a lukewarm temperature. 


Benefits of drinking pepper with water. 

Gut health: This pepper water contains ingredients that build gut health with its properties. Guts are where all the healthy bacteria necessary for digestion live. with strengthened gut health., multi is built. The strong gut is the sight of excellent immunity, which helps fight viruses and bacteria entering the body.

High antioxidants level: Pepper has a very high level of anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties, that enriches the cell and helps the growth of WBC in blood. 

Aid weight loss: With increased metabolism, the excessive and unhealthy fat in the body is head and dissolves. Along with exercise, consumption of pepper and hot water in the early morning is key to reducing undealt weight and cholesterol levels.

Increase digestive enzymes: The healthy digestive enzymes count is the primary component of good digestive health. With better the healthy bacterias and enzymes are promoted and produced. 

Hydration: The first cup of water early in the morning is the most essential as after 8 hours of sleep the body requires water to replenish the cells. the ingredients in the first cup of water, and the minerals in it reach cells to give major health benefits. 


This simple drink can protect you from many major and minor health issues.