Natural Hair health care tips to save it from withering away

Your hair can decide your mood and the course of your day. Hairstyling is the difference between a good and bad day. Hair health plays the most important role in your life, everyone spends thousands of worth to get glamorous healthy-looking hair.  Healthy hair can make you feel good, while tangled hair well irritates you with every step you take. 


Here are a few ways you can take care of your hair.


Wash your hair regularly:

Clean hair is the utmost basic for healthy, shining, and healthy hair. Use natural, chemical-free shampoo, clean your hair when you require it. Washing at regular intervals is a necessity. When your hair starts sticking together and feels oily, your hair is ready for a wash. always use cold water with mild shampoo and washing in one direction. 


Condition on the tips: 

Washing hair is incomplete without proper conditioning, so after your hair is completely washed and clean, use a conditioner at the tips of your hair and leave it on for 1 minute. It is important to stick to a specific company and shampoo type for every wash. Switching between shampoo and conditioner can result in the build-up of chemical compounds in the hair. 


Detangle with a wide comb:

When your hair is wet you should use a wide-tooth comb to detangle hair for a natural shine. Coming to your hair while wet will also help retain the curls after you have dried it. 


Dry natural

Avoid using blow drying devices that use heat to dry your hair. The heat from blow dryers can damage the hair as the temperature goes from cold to warm, this temperature change can cause hair follicles leading to more hair fall. Instantly let your hair dry in the direction you want to keep it after detangling in styling naturally. Hair Dryers that use fast-blowing cold air for curling can be used.


Focus on the diet:

For healthy shiny and strengthened hair that does not fall easily, it is important to use protein and vitamin A-rich food items in your meal. Zing deficiency is one of the leading causes of hair loss, keeping the zinc amount high can help replenish the shine in your hair and stranger it from the route. Eggs carat almond blueberry is live vegetable fish oil avocado spinach citrus food are some of the ingredients to use in your diet for healthy hair. 


Oil up

If you have a dry scalp you can use argan oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, and avocado oil in your hair. But if your scalp is oily and your hair gets dirty quickly it is advised to use oil only on the tip and stand of your hair avoiding the scalp. 


Rice water trick 

Ancient Chinese technique has resurfaced after ages that is a revolutionary in haircare technology. After washing your hair the hair is conditioned with rice water. This is created by keeping rice soaked in rice for 3 days or more. This brings back the original shine of the hair by extracting chemical and silica build-up on the hair strand.


More tips

  • Use a hair mask made out of Banana avocado and eggs on your hair
  • Onion oil is the best
  • Avoid pool water to touch your hair
  • Cover your hair in the sun
  • Use satin silks ties or crunches
  • Let it loose as much as possible