Best food for a Healthy Brain | Tips for a Healthy Life


It is said you are what you eat. In order to live a healthy lifestyle you need to have a healthy brain as it controls everything in life. Good brain food helps to increase concentration and memory. Certain foods help your brain to work at its best performance. 


  1. Fatty Fish - Fatty fish has the presence of Omega 3 fatty acids considered a major building block of the brain . Omega 3 plays a major role in controlling the mood and helps to increase the gray matter in the brain. Various supplements are available as an alternative to fatty fish for intake of Omega 3 due to the benefits it offers.
  2. Nuts - Nuts holds various nutrients essential for brian to give desired results such as vitamin E, healthy fats, and plant compounds. Nuts tend to improve heart health which directly affects brain health. Researches proved that intake of nut increases memory .
  3. Turmeric - Turmeric has the presence of curcumin which has the ability to directly enter the brain cell which helps in treating depression and helps in the growth of new brain cells. It helps with memory problems in people suffering from Alzheimer’s. 
  4. Dark chocolate - Dark chocolate is a package of brain-boosting compounds, including flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants. Dark chocolates hold various benefits including from better performance in mental tasks to increase in dopamine level. 
  5. Egg - Eggs are a vital source of vitamins for the brain  including B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline present helps with better memory and mental function whereas vitamins help with depression and Alzheimer diseases.
  6. Green tea – Green tea has the presence of L-theanine which has the ability to cross the blood barrier which helps with anxiety and feel more relaxed. It helps to increase memory and helps with mental decline and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.