6 Foot care tips to protect your toes this season | Monsoon Foot care

During the monsoon season, our hair and skin get easily affected. The chances of getting dandruff in the hair increases in such weather, and your skin may get dry constantly. We care for them as they are the appearing part of our body, but we usually forget about our feet. We forget that our feet also need regular care, like skin and hair. So, here are some ways through which you can care for your feet in such weather. 


Stay dry

The rainy season gives rise to many bacteria, germs, and fungi. So, make it a habit to wash your feet regularly, especially after coming from outside, and then dry them properly to avoid wetness. 


Relaxing foot soak

You can use lukewarm water with salt, shampoo, or oil as a relaxing foot soak for effective cleaning. You can continue to do it once a week for 10-15 minutes.  


Moisturizing foot cream

Applying a moisturizer after cleaning can help seal the moisture, keep your feet soft, and heals the cracked area of your heel and toes.


Mask the stink

To kill the foul smell of your feet, you can apply baking soda to your feet before wearing your shoes. You can also try to soak your feet in a tub of hot water with vinegar for 15 minutes. 


Keep your toenails short.

Keep your nails short during the monsoon as it will help prevent dust and dirt from getting collected under your nails and prevent fungal infections. 


Pick the correct footwear.

Ditch your elevated heels and sneakers for flip-flops and sandals as the wetness gets washed out easily, evaporates quickly, and makes your feet arid.