In a landmark decision for energy security, India promotes sweeping amendments to the laws governing oil and gas exploration. In Parliament, the Oil Fields (Regulation and Development) Amendment Bill, 2024, passed on December 3, 2024, and brought great reform with the aim of promoting investments and modernization of the sector.

Key Highlights of the Amendment:

Expanded Definitions: The term also includes unconventional hydrocarbon resources such as shale oil, shale gas, and coalbed shale gas in conformity with the international definition. This is quite significant for the investors because of the associated risk factor on oil and gas exploration since the enactment seeks a stable policy environment. 

Dispute Resolution: Provisions for International Arbitration have now been created, thus allowing amicable, more transparent, and quicker resolutions of disputes. 

Longer Leasing Terms: The amendments allow for longer periods of leases, thus giving companies the necessary time horizon to effectively plan and implement their exploration projects.


Abolition of Windfall Tax:

The windfall tax on domestically produced crude oil has been scrapped by the government in a much-anticipated move welcomed by industry representatives. This tax, initially introduced in July 2022 to garner revenue through the phenomenon of increasingly rising global crude prices, had always been an area of controversy for producers. Removal of this tax would perhaps result in enhancing profitability and motivating higher production.

Strategic Alliances and Future Directions:

India is actively seeking to establish global alliances that will improve its capacity for exploration. One significant step toward diversifying energy sources is the agreement with Petrobras of Brazil to jointly bid for oil and gas exploration areas.

These regulatory and legislative changes are expected to significantly reduce India's reliance on imported crude oil, which accounted for about 90% of its consumption from April to December 2024. Unlocking India's indigenous hydrocarbon resources and guaranteeing energy security during periods of economic expansion are the main outcomes of creating an investor-friendly climate.