A Beginners guide to Understanding the Layers of Blockchain Technology


In a blockchain, data gets recorded to make it unattainable or challenging for the system to be modified, hacked, or manipulated. It is a dispersed archive that replicates and spreads transactions across the network of computers participating in it. 

A technology utilized in it makes a network that holds transactional documents of the people in several databases, like a chain in a web linked via peer-to-peer nodes. This storage gets understood as a digital ledger. 

The dealings in this digital ledger get approved by the digital setup of the owner. He establishes the transaction and protects it from meddling. So, the data it carries is highly secure. 


How Does Blockchain Technology Work?

The progress of blockchain technology is still young and can be extreme in the future. 

Three leading technologies make it work.

  1. Cryptographic keys

  2. A peer-to-peer network having a shared ledger

  3. A tool of computing to hold the transactions and records of the network

The cryptography keys are two in number. One is a private key, and the other is a public key. They help in conducting dealings between two parties. Both these parties individually have one-one keys, which they use to build a protected digital identity connection. This secured identity is the primary element of Blockchain technology. This identity is referred to as a digital signature and gets utilized for assigning and managing transactions. This digital signature gets combined with the peer-to-peer network, serving as authorities use the digital signature to achieve an agreement on transactions. So, when a deal gets approved, it gets authorized by mathematical proof, resulting in successfully secured dealings between the two network-connected groups. 


Advantages of Blockchain Technology

  • Blockchains can save and secure sensitive data from online dealings. 

  • Blockchain technology presents quick and timely transactions. 

  • There is also no third-party interference from financial or government organizations.


Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology

  • Blockchain uses public and private keys, and reportedly, there have been issues with private keys. If a user misplaces their private key, they meet multiple challenges.

  • It delivers scalability rules, as the number of transactions per node is limited. Because of this, it can take several hours to complete multiple transactions and other charges. 

  • It can get hard to modify data after it gets documented.