5 Largest data Breach incidents Ever and how to Avoid them


Digitalization has made its way in the data-driven century. No matter how big or small the company, everyone faces the risk offered by Data breach.Hackers had enormous amounts of new ways in order to harvest companies personal data to fetch the money. Data breach occurs when hackers gain an access on the organization database resulting in loss of data like banking details, credit card infomartion.Data breach is the major problem in the world growing digitally. 


The fiver major data breach in the history are listed the information is provided to gain knowledge and to avoid the same mistake as it affects several people



Date: 2013-2016

Impact: Over 3 billion user accounts exposed

The first data breach of yahoo took place in 2013 and the information provided that a group of russian hackers accessed the data of the account of more than billion users . Irrespective of the attack the deal with Verizon held. The resources of Verizon played a great role in enhancing the security of yahoo and it was in 2017 after Verizon bought yahoo the actual data of 3 billion was disclosed. These breaches caused Yahoo to knock $350 million off their sales price to Verizon



Date: June 2021

Impact: 700 million users

Professional networking site Linkedin faced the data breach affecting 700 million users however they argued having no personal and sensitive data was being exposed the God user posted data containing personal information including email addresses, phone numbers, geolocation records, genders and other social media details. A hacker going by the moniker of “God User” exploited the site's rules. The breach provided a way to hackers to target profile companies.



Date: April 2018

Impact: 50-90 million users exposed

In 2018, a British consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica hacked the data of facebook users and sold it. The loophole found in the API of Facebook found the former to compile the date.The company sold the data illegally for a long term as no security forms were implemented. It was when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found a charge for facebook violation and poor data practice things came to an end. 



Date: January 2021

Impact: 30,000 US companies (60,000 companies worldwide)

One of the largest cyber crimes that took place in the history of the US by gaining unauthorized access to emails from small businesses to local governments. 



Date: March 2014

Impact: 145 million users

Lack of communication and poor implementation of the password-renewal process are the two main factors which resulted in the successful data breach providing the hacker an access to the main network. The financial information is stored in a separate server and as a result there are no records of financial fraud. The hacker gained access to names, addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords.