Understanding the Symptoms of Trauma | Mental Health


Life is always a sum of ups and down and certain times life makes us face things we are never mentally prepared for as a result of these certain people end in living the shock of it.Although the event passed the individual continues to live it several times and face the same depressive emotion. It is said that feeling every human emotion for a certain period of time living in it for a long time starts to affect the normal activity of human life. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder in which the mental health condition is triggered due to experience. Trauma shows both emotional and physical symptoms. 



The response to any kind of trauma varies from person to person as it depends upon the mental strength of any individual. Some individuals start experiencing symptoms for a week and in some cases it's hidden for years and is faced when a similar situation is experienced. Research proved that trauma is saved in physical form in our body if not healed properly. 


  • Flashbacks - The person suffering from trauma rewires the brain to start experiencing the same experience and relieving it again and again which may result in emotional distress. In order to avoid this, stop revisiting the places/ person for a certain time period.
  • Negative thinking - It is faced to a certain extent by everyone but the problem arises when you start believing it and end up feeling numb. Trauma leaves you end up defining your worth about your present, your future. Maintaining relationships with your close ones and family is the common symptom of it. The next time you find yourself feeling the same, discuss it with your loved ones as suffering alone will worsen the symptoms.
  • Change in physical and emotional reaction - Change in the behavior is the most detacted symptom in case of any trauma. Use of self destructive habits in order to avoid the thoughts. Too many people are afraid to be left alone and as a result have a habit of pleasing pleasing.Trouble falling asleep or sleeping too much, social withdrawal, anger issues are some of the common symptoms.