Summer is here. Be ready for the Common Problems you could Face in the upcoming Season

Summer stops, eager to step outside. The temperature  and sun rays can cause various health related problems. As the increasing temperature of sun rays makes it almost impossible to step out of home. Doctors advise to intake liquid in excess in order to avoid feeling nausea and to wear suncream the next time you step out of your house.


Heat-related illnesses

With the increase in heat it causes various issues. Heat exhaustion and heat strokes cause damage to organs and muscles. It can be fatal and may lead to dehydration 



Dehydration can vary depending on our age.Its symptoms are dark coloured mouth,dry mouth,nausea. The solution is simple: keep a water bottle and use it often and the intake of food  with water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, and lettuce.


Swimming accidents

Stay safe on the stickings to areas. And warnings about the water condition. Unfortunately, the danger of summer when cooling off in water. In the ocean and rough waves catch swimmers  lead to drowning but accidents can still happen.


Food poisoning

In case of food poisonings deal with nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. Hot weather can affect food digestion. If certain foods like meat,dairy products are kept for a long time, bacteria growth takes place which makes the food unfit to eat.



It is a summer health risk that can have long term consequences. It will increase the risk of skin cancers. You can get sunburn relief with self care measures such as taking pain relievers and cooling the skin. All this causes the red swellings and inflammation which associate with sunburn.