Manicure-Related Nail Infections | Manicure Risks


Manicures are a popular way to beautify and take care of your nails. However, if not done correctly, they can also lead to nail infections that can cause discomfort and even permanent damage. Nail infections can occur for many reasons, including improper sanitization of tools, unsanitary nail salon practices, and even personal habits.


Risks Involved in Manicure

  • One of the most common nail infections is a fungal infection, also known as onychomycosis. It can be caused by contaminated nail clippers, files, or other unsanitized tools. The fungus thrives in warm, moist environments and can spread from one person to another through shared means. Fungal infections can cause the nails to become thick, discolored, and brittle, and in severe cases, the nail may even fall off.

  • Another type of nail infection is a bacterial infection, also known as paronychia. It occurs when bacteria enter the skin around the nails, causing redness, swelling, and pain. Bacterial infections can be caused by several factors, including cuts, hangnails, and even manicures that push back the skin around the nails.

  • In addition to fungal and bacterial infections, manicures can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. It can be due to the harsh chemicals in nail polish and other products and poorly trained technicians who may not know how to handle these products.


Precautions to Take to Avoid Manicure-Related Risks

It is essential to take proper precautions to avoid any infection. It includes checking the cleanliness of the salon and the tools used, avoiding sharing items such as nail clippers, and avoiding excessive soaking of the nails. Additionally, it is essential to take care of your nails at home by keeping them clean and dry and avoiding harsh chemicals.


While manicures can be a great way to take care of your nails, it is necessary to be aware of the risks and take proper precautions to avoid nail infections. You can reduce the risk of bacteria and enjoy beautiful, healthy nails by following basic hygiene practices.