What is Intermittent Fasting? how has it become the most-trusted method of dieting?


Excessive weight is a problem faced by so many people and it includes men and women equally of all ages. Gaining weight is easy but losing is equally hard. with dieting pills and different dieting methods, people facing this problem will do anything to shed a few Kilos. 

Recently, one such dieting method has been again populations among people seeking ideal weight and fitness freak equally. This new method is called Intermittent Fasting. 

Intermittent fasting is a dieting pattern that includes eating between specific timings without any restriction. In Intermittent Fasting, people can consume any food in any amount without any monitor during specific hours of the day depending on their bed timing or as per their wish. 

The majority of people select the 16-8 method. This method includes eating for 8 hours anything and abstaining from food consumption for 8 hours and sleeping for 8 hours. This method is scientifically backed up as the 16 hours of no consumption of calories will dissolve the calories consumed in the 8 hours. 

Health experts suggest eating a sufficient amount of calories and supplements during the eating hours so as to not cause any deficiency. This diet also has some risks associated. People suffering from any type of cardiovascular disease, cholesterol problem, blood pressure issue, and diabetes are advised not to opt for this diet as it can worsen the preexisting problem. 

Other methods are also available in this dieting style. People can choose between any of the styles they prefer to have. it is best advised to suggest you, physician or dietician, before going for this dieting style.