A complete Guide on how to Develop a Strong and Impressive Personality


Personality development is basically a word we heard by our teachers,mentors and the title of many self help books and classes. Personality is a sum of how you present yourself, how you  look or speak or the importance your opinion holds in any conversation. We are often judged by our personality. In order to have a strong impression you need to build a strong personality. personality basically represents our self confidence, emotional pattern and opinions. In order to hold a personality one must analyse its strength and weakness. Here are a few tips in order to make a lasting  first impression.


Bring positivity in your aura

No one enjoys the company of a person who continuously complains about everything in life or spreads negativity about others. Life is always full of ups and downs. To develop an attractive personality you must always look at the brighter side of the picture. Our thoughts align our actions, developing a positive mindset is very essential in order to maintain an attractive personality.


Have an opinion

Gain knowledge about the stuff relevant to your surroundings. Having opinions makes others respect you more often. Confidently put forward your thoughts in conversations as it will make you look more confident as a person.


Be a good listener

In order to be a speaker the first essential step is to be a good listener. Have conversations showing genuine interest in knowing about the opinions of others. Maintaining direct eye contact and paying attention to the details make others feel important in your company. 


Work on your body language

We often judge people on the way people carry themself. We become 75% attractive by keeping your back straight, walking 25% faster, eating elegantly. The way you carry yourself speaks a lot about your personality as it leaves a great impact on others.


Meet new people

Meeting new people helps you develop a different perspective in life as everyone has something new which can contribute in a great way towards your life.Keep an habit to meet new people, gain knowledge about their interest and hold a conversation.