Worried about the Exams? Here are 5 tips to Overcome your Fear.


Exam fear is faced by every student multiple times in a lifespan. Exam fear is the most common reason for depression in every student. Exam stress often shows symptoms like sleepless nights, anxiety, and difficulty to concrete which often results in negative performance. Exam fear often ends up crushing our confidence as it builds a negative state of mind. Exam fear affects both physical and mental health. Academic excellence at the cost of your mental health is never worth it. Although fear cannot be avoided to all extent, there are a few ways to manage stress for better performance.


Time table

To achieve any goal the two main criteria are intention and strategy. Every person has a different body clock in which they have maximum energy. Some people are more energetic in the morning while some give their best performance at night. So it's essential to prepare a timetable of your own and take action towards following it to avoid stress in the end.


Study plan

A proper study plan knowing all your strengths and weaknesses is necessary to avoid burnout and have frequent revisions of your weaknesses to gain confidence. Prepare a plan and stick to it to harvest anxiety.



Practice makes a man perfect. Revision of every concept is necessary to avoid unnecessary confusion and will end up clearing your concepts.


Make notes

It's not possible to revise the whole chapter before every exam so it's essential to prepare flash cards,graphs of important formulas and concepts for last minute revision.


Positive Habits

It is said that you shape your habits and your habits shape your future. It is the most essential thing that needs attention while going or preparing for anything in life. Accumulate positive habits like meditation,exercise in order to develop a positive mindset which is directly proportional to the stress developed in our mind.