Remove this one thing from your diet to say bye-bye to belly fat forever

If you have ever read the ingredient list on the packet of any food product, then you must have read the words trans fat or saturated fats and unsaturated fats. These fats are the main cause of illness and fats. 

But what are good fats and bad fats? How are some fats good and some fats bad? We have always known how fats are bad for our health, but despite the general assumption, not all fats are bad for our health and some fats are necessary for our body and development. Removal of these types of fats from your diet will help in reducing body fat. here is the list of all kinds of fats


Total Fat

Total fat is an umbrella term for all fat types. When total fats are mentioned it means all types of fats. 


Saturated fats 

This is the type of fat that is solid at room temperature. These types of fats are present in butter, cream, cocoa oil, coconut oil, palm oil, and meat. They are solid at room temperature but will melt easily with heat. This property of solidity is the reason they are very hard to break down. With body heat, they are very hard to dissolve and are stored in the body in the belly thighs and also raise cholesterol levels. 


Trans fat

These types of fats are obtained by the process of hydrogenation. The fats are produced synthetically and therefore have a higher shelf life. They are produced to stay solid at room temperature. 


Unsaturated fats

This is a healthy type of fat. They help in reducing the fat in your body rather than increasing the value. These fats are natural and not solid at room temperature, and therefore easy to break down. Monounsaturated body fats help reduce bad cholesterol levels. It is found in nuts, vegetables, canola, olive, peanut, and avocados. They are very healthy fats. Polyunsaturated fats are another type of unsaturated fats. They are present in sunflower, safflower, sesame, sunflower, corn oils, soybean, and fish. 

It is the best bit of advice to avoid food with saturated and trans fats. Most packaged foods use trans fat to enhance the tastes and increase the shelf life of the products. Junk foods are packed with saturated fats. therefore it is advised to use unsaturated fats in cooking