Daily Yoga Exercises for flexibility and posture improvement

People of all generations worked for their livelihood. But along with work in the earlier times, people also used to keep themselves fit both physically and mentally. They were not only working but also took good care of their health. But in today's youth, everyone is so busy making money that they have forgotten about their body and its fitness. They have forgotten the importance of flexibility of their bodies which is needed to work more energetically. 

Today's generation needs to maintain their physical and mental health to live a healthy and long life. In simple words, physical activity and exercise are essential for everyone. People of all ages- children, adolescents, and adults need regular exercise. 

One of the forms of physical exercise is yoga. This article will help you learn about yoga, its benefits to our health, and how it can make our bodies flexible.


Yoga is a form of art that connects the mind and the body. It is a form of exercise we perform by balancing the elements of our bodies. 

Yoga originated in the subcontinent of India and has been around since ancient times and performed by Yogis. The followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism practiced it. 

Benefits of yoga

  • It helps in improving your strength, balance, and flexibility. 

  • Practicing different yoga asanas will help you relieve back pain. 

  • It helps in making your heart more fit and healthy. Heart patients should practice yoga to improve the health of their hearts. 

  • It helps to keep you more relaxed. 

  • It helps in better sleep.

  • It makes you more energetic. 

  • It helps to enlighten your mood.

  • It helps in managing stress.  

  • It helps in keeping your body more flexible.

Yoga is the best way to improve flexibility since it can increase joint and muscle mobility and build muscle strength. You can practice yoga by trying different poses at home. 


Intense Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana):

Daily Yoga Exercises for flexibility and posture improvement

This pose stretches your spine, legs, and hips and can help you for perfect balance, posture, and digestion.


Head to knee (Janusirsasana):

Daily Yoga Exercises for flexibility and posture improvement
This pose helps to improve flexibility in your hips, thighs, and back. It also helps to increase the blood flow in your lower abs and also helps in relieving stress. 


Cat-Cow (Chakravakasana) :

Daily Yoga Exercises for flexibility and posture improvement
his pose helps in improving mobility and boosting the flexibility in your neck, shoulders, spine, and core. 


Bow pose (Dhanurasana):

Daily Yoga Exercises for flexibility and posture improvement
This pose is good for stretching the muscles we use when seated. It helps to increase the flexibility of the muscles in your core, glutes, back, chest, and legs.  


Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana):

Daily Yoga Exercises for flexibility and posture improvement
This pose is perfect for any level and may help relieve sciatica pain.