Federated Digital Identities work in process, linking all digital IDs into One


The central government is working on a new project that links all the digital IDs into one single identification. 

This model of Federated Digital Identities will link Aadhar cards, PAN cards, passport numbers, driving licenses, or any other identity into one single digital identity. 

“Having a multitude [of] IDs, especially to interact with the government, makes it harder for the common man for whom these are created! Especially given the diversity in education, awareness and capabilities, this also has a potential to further create exclusion scenarios,” said the draft of the proposal. 

“InDEA 2.0 proposes a model of Federated Digital Identities that seeks to optimize the number of digital identities that a citizen needs to have. The model empowers the citizen by putting her in control of these identities and providing her the option of choosing which one to use for what purpose. It gives the agency to the citizens and protects privacy-by-design. The same logic holds for entities. And the model is generic enough to establish an identity ecosystem for entities as well,” it said.


“This fundamental design pattern is what allowed Aadhaar to become a “building block” for other systems allowing banks to open accounts with eKYC [attested common fields coming from Aadhaar in digitally signed manner] and allow transactions with authentication....Ability to reuse an existing registry [under appropriate policy/law] of pre-verified attributes is critical to eliminate this repeated verification process that is costly, error prone and most importantly inconvenient to citizens," the proposal stated. 


This idea was first introduced in 2017 for the welfare of the citizens to be used as a form of KYC.