Nandankanan Zoological Park opened for the public after a 3 month-long hiatus due to Covid

Deputy Director of the Nandankanan Zoo, Sanjeet Kumar, said on the expected contamination in the light of the upcoming 3rd wave"Our priority is to keep everyone safe from Covid, be it animals or people. We want people to enjoy and learn about nature. Covid norms like social distancing, mask-wearing, and sanitization are being taken care of. Those flouting the Covid norms will be fined." 

"We are expecting footfall to be less than ten thousand people a day. In case the footfall goes up, we will consider measures like shifts to segregate people and ensure social distancing. People can book their tickets online through the website and the app of the zoo. However, there is no re-scheduling right now, ``the Deputy Director said on the subject of the expected rush. 

Indians are waiting for public places to be opened soon after the long stay at home due to Covid. As life comes back on track with a large number of people getting vaccinated, respected authorities and businesses are being opened with restrictions. Nevertheless, the looming danger of 3rd wave has people on their toes 

The zoo is now open for everyone to visit during visitation hours.