Countries without vaccine or RT-PCR on arrival to add to your travel list

Summers are getting close, but this summer is going to be very different than ever before. After two years of on and off covid restrictions, traveling cross-border is back in the game. 

With the new normal returning, many countries have removed the covid restriction, like mandatory RT-PCR and vaccination certificate. These countries will allow travelers to explore from the day of landing, without any 14-day quarantine break. 

Hungry is one of the countries that have announced the new normal. the people will not be required to present a vaccination certificate or test result. Earlier this month, Hungry slashed the rule for domestic travelers as well. Before this month people were required to carry vaccination certificates and breathing test results to dine, travel domestically, or enjoy any public outdoor event. 

Iceland, Ireland, and Norway have joined the club. where people will not be required to carry any proof against the covid-19. 

The same rule is applicable for travelers to Slovenia, Romania,  Germany, France, and Italy. If people are planning a trip to these places, you would not be required to do any advanced tests. 

Despite this, the site of attractions can have its own set of rules and suites to be followed for international travelers. Some cafes, theaters, and bar owners are still asking for precautioj=n to be held while coming in close contact with people on the locations. 

The World Health Organization still has asked travelers to be cautious of the contamination.