10 Study tip to crack NEET in the first attempt while studying for board

Hello, aspirants! Studying for neet and board exams together is easy, but some students get confused about how to manage them both together. This article gives you the best tips on your problem on how to manage and prioritize both the exams together. 


  1. Make a timetable: The most important part of preparing for any exam is to make a timetable. To study without a plan is the route to failure. In NEET you only have to study 3 subjects namely biology, physics and chemistry. But for the board, you have to study 5 or more subjects. Plan your studies and manage time, so you don't waste one single moment of your precious time.

  2. Revise: Just reading and practicing questions one time will not help you get the desired marks. Practice multiple times and read and reared. Revising will help you solidify the information. This also helps in creating a photographic memory of the information in your mind. 

  3. Practice: chemistry and physics require a lot of practice. Using multiple types of questions and a variety of sums can be very beneficial in your study. NEET has an 80% question repeating rate, so practice previous year's questions to have the maximum idea about the pattern and questions. 

  4. Find important topics: Some topics are more important than others. These topics, most of the time, match with the board pattern. The questions are not always necessary to be of hard type but will definitely be present in the question paper. 

  5. Prioritize based on mark division: The mark distribution of NEET and board are given on the official website. You can download the document and understand the importance chapter-wise. In both the examinations, you don't want to waste time practicing the chapter that only weighs 2 marks. 

  6. NCERT is the best: NCERT books are the best guide for your studies. The additional information in the reference books is most of the time not required for the examination. Wasting time on topics that are not going to be in the exam is the biggest mistake a student can make in both exams. 

  7. Take proper rest: Working hard is important, but overworking yourself can be harmful to your health and result. Taking proper rest and nutrition is also an essential part of the preparation. You don't want to be sleepy on the day of the exam and waste all your hard work due to tiredness. If you have proper preparation and management, you will not have difficulty balancing work and rest. 

  8. Don’t miss school: students often skip school to study at home. while at home procrastination might reduce your will to study. By going to school you will definitely learn from other classmates and teachers what are important topics and tips to study effectively.

  9. Quit social media: This is the basic advice we all have heard but while studying you should avoid the urge to use social media. Nevertheless, using social media to find solutions and tips can be useful. 

  10. Use internet time wisely: Last but not the least, use the internet wisely. The internet is full of resources. Using those in your study can boost your skill and save you a lot of time. Study online lectures, download notes, stay up to date with the important topics and subjects. 

All the best for your Exams.