The 5 types of Cyber Security attacks, and how to protect against them

Cybercrimes are common nowadays. It grows dramatically day by day as attackers improve in efficiency and refinement. There might be several different reasons why it happens. In a cyberattack, an attacker tries to gain unauthorized access to an IT system for theft, extortion, and disruption. Cybercriminals look to manipulate exposures in an organization’s safety policies, methods, or technology. There are many types of cyber security attacks that may occur. We have listed five of them, along with their prevention measures. 



In a malware invasion, an attacker can execute various malicious tasks. Malware makes access to a network spy on the user to get personal information and cause trouble. The most common form of malware is ransomware, invented to encrypt the files of the victim and then ask them to pay a ransom to get the decryption key. 


Methods to prevent malware attacks

  • Ensure you install the latest anti-malware/spam security software 

  • Ensure that you employ a trained staff to determine malicious emails and websites.

  • Have a protected password policy

  • Utilize multi-factor authentication

  • Hold all software fixed and updated.

  • Use official accounts when necessary.

  • Control key to systems and data

  • Stick to the least-privilege model.

  • Watch your network for malicious activity.



In phishing, the attacker attempts to deceive a susceptible victim into giving over valuable data, such as passwords, credit card details, and intellectual possessions. It can be an email from a fake organization pretending to be actual, such as your bank, the taxing unit, or some other trusted commodity. 


Methods to prevent phishing attacks

  • Do not provide your data to an unsecured website. 

  • Make sure to install firewalls in your system.

  • Update your devices regularly.

  • Change passwords regularly.

  • Train your employees efficiently to recognize suspicious emails, links, and websites.

  • Download add-ons as they enable you to place malicious websites.



In this attack, attackers compromise a computer and utilize it to mine cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. The criminal exploits valuable network resources to mine a cryptocurrency without the organization knowing about it.


Methods to prevent cryptojacking attacks

  • Monitor the CPU usage of all network machines.

  • Train your employees efficiently to recognize suspicious emails, links, and websites.


Password Attack

In this, an attacker attempts to guess or crack the password of their targeted user. Some examples include the brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attack, credential stuffing, password spraying, and keylogger attack. 


Methods to prevent password attacks

  • Make sure your password is strong.

  • Enable multi-factor authentication where feasible.

  • Take penetration trials to determine vulnerabilities.

  • Utilize a real-time auditing key to observe and react to suspicious login endeavors.


Man-in-the-middle attack 

In this attack, an attacker blocks the communication between two parties to spy on the targets, steal personal details or credentials, or modify the discussion. 


Methods to prevent password attacks

  • Use a VPN when linking to your network.

  • Beware of fake websites, invasive pop-ups, and invalid credentials, and peek for HTTPS at the start of each URL.