MacBook computer shortcut you need to know. All the secret shortcuts for Mac keyboard

Apple is not a company, it's an experience. If you have used the MacComputr before or had gotten it recently, there have to be some keyboard shortcuts that you must have missed out on. 

Apple devices have earned the name with excellent servicing and customer satisfaction. 

These shortcuts help make your iOS experience faster and smoother. 


Command + Shift + 3: This shortcut is the most accessible to take screenshots of the compact window. by replacing 3 with 4 you can crop the section of the window you want to screenshot in a rectangle screengrab. 

Command-F: F with command stands for finds, and that is what exactly the shortcut is for. 

Command-H: This shortcut is for hiding all the windows except the one you are working on. It minimizes/hides all the other apps opened in the background. If you want to use the hidden applications, press Option-Command-H.

Shift-Command-N: This shortcut helps in creating a fresh new folder in the finder. 

Command-D: If you want to duplicate the selected files, this command is your shortcut. 

Shift-Command-I: This shortcut to open iCloud Drive quickly. 

Shift-Command-R: This shortcut to open the AirDrop window.

Option-Command-L: If you want to open the Downloads folder, this is your go-to shortcut. 

Shift-Command-Delete: To Empty the Trash on your MacBook. 

Option-Command-Esc: In case your appliance is lagging or taking too long to load, this shortcut helps you in Force quitting the app.

Command–Left Bracket ([) and Command–Right Bracket (]): Go to the previous folder and to the next folder respectively. 

Control–Command–Power button:* If for any reason you wish to Force your Mac to restart this command will be useful. By using this command you are prompting shutting down without saving the work in progress.

Control–Shift–Power button: This will put your display to sleep. 

Control-Command-Q: This prompt to lock your screen.

Option–Shift–Brightness Up or Option–Shift–Brightness Down: Adjust the display brightness in smaller steps. Add the Control key to this shortcut to make the adjustment on your external display, if supported by your display.

Command-L: If you have a query and want to make a web search, this command is a shortcut for the search bar in the Safari application. 

Command-Shift-\: This keyboard short is used to see all the open tabs in one Safari window.


These shortcuts can be very useful when you need to get that report done before the deadline. These and more commands get the task done with just a few push of buttons.