Coloured Voter ID: Process here to apply, and download the card, Complete the online process for colored voter ID card

Electoral photo ID Card (EPIC) is the card used at the polling booth for casting a vote in all the elections in India. In the past, the card was only developed in black and white color by the electoral commission. 

The card contains personal details for the identification of voters at the polling booth. The card encases name, address, date of birth, voter Id number, father's name, the signature of the voter, and a hologram sticker. 

At the center, the information in the card and at the booth are cross-checked. This is to ensure fair elections in the country. The only flaw pointed out in the card is dues to its color. The black and white color of the card distorts the face of the voter. 

To overcome this election commission has now made an option to create a colored card. with the fee of ₹30, the voter can get a voter ID card delivered at the home. 


The Process:

The application process for the colored photo ID card is completely online. The applicant can visit the official website to apply. Once the application is submitted the booth level officer or BLO will visit the address registered on the card to verify the voters' details and personal verification. One month after the verification, the colored plastic voter ID card will be delivered to the registered address of the voter. 



The applicant needs to follow the step by steps given below to get the card:


Step 1: Visit and click on create new account

Step 2: Register using the email address/phone number/ voter ID number

Step 3: Enter the confirmation code to complete the registration. 

Step 4: Fill Form 6 with the required details, and upload the required documents. 

Step 5: Submit the form and document to complete the process. 


This will result in the completion of the application process. you can track the status of the card on For the offline process, visit the nearest e-Seva or MEE Seva office.