How the Internet of things is Fostering growth in micro data Centers?


The ecosystem of technology is a network connecting all global connections which directly or indirectly influence the communication forming the bubble of life. The widely blooming world known as the Internet of things (IoT) is omnipresent from our alarm clock to cosmonauts orbiting around the earth.The driven force of IoT devices are not personal needs as it represents a portion of it but are business models. It is a well known fact that everyone is online as a result the excess amount of data generated needs to be cultivated in the data center. It is expected that within 2025, 75 billion IoT devices are to be installed which will begin to foster micro data centers.


Ways of harvesting micro data centers by IoT 

Micro data centers are in a process to be continued. With the growth in the technology there is still ample time to reap the benefits of micro data centers as they are integrated in every part of business.


  1. The amount of data generated is taking up a new stair everyday and the storage available is not sufficient to meet the required need as a result more data centers are generated. It also requires newer technology to serve better for optimizing storage capacity

  2. The large amount of data flowing is carried out by DC. The rapid increase in the traffic of IoT focuses on increasing the bandwidth of micro data.

  3. As every data is stored online all around the world is making an easier way for cyber crime. Every data is digitized and stored making it necessary to keep an eye on the amount of data privacy provided.

  4. Localized data centers are the new need due to the increase in the data generated which ultimately leads to increase in IoT traffic and as it's not possible to store all the provided data in centralized locations.

  5. DC companies are currently enjoying an increased pay in costly network bandwidth. As a result there is a scope of alternative method to store valuable data.