Top 5 Reasons smartphone catches fire and how to avoid battery damage

As technology has advanced, smartphones come in all forms and dimensions. They have a variety of capacities they retain and come with larger-sized batteries. But batteries can sometimes become risky for their users. Phones nowadays catch fire due to flaws in batteries. But the question arises of how the phone catches fire. 

Regarding this, we have listed some of the causes which may have resulted in the phone blast. Let us read further and have a look at these reasons. 


Using a phone with a bloated battery

If your battery gets swollen, you must replace it on time as it may result in particulates getting captured between the layers that ultimately pierce the membrane dividing the layers. If the membrane has got compromised, moisture in the atmosphere can react with the cell, driving the cell to swell and explode.


Using fake or clashing chargers

Your charger must retain an amperage that is consistent with your smartphone. A charger with an outcome of heightened current can harm the internal charging tool, which could result in the phone bursting. So, it is best to adhere to official or exemplary third-party charger labels.


Using fake batteries

When you change your battery, you must guarantee that it is genuine. Avoid using third-party batteries as they might not have varied through the exact testing and quality measures as an original battery, causing them to fail, drain quicker than the original, or in some circumstances, even explode. 


Charging while gaming and calls

At the time of charging, appliances tend to get hotter. If you club that with playing games or taking calls for vast periods, it would result in the phone getting even warmer. Sometimes, batteries don’t respond well to warm conditions, which can cause harm to the inner layers of the battery and ultimately burst. 



It impacts the batteries to overheat and explode. Smartphone creators believe this and have overcharged security on hardware by lowering the speed of charging or cutting off the discharge of electricity when it detects the battery is full.