What does your eating habits say about your personality, the psychology behind your food habits

The Spanish proverb, "The belly rules the mind" is the essence of the truth based on our relationship with food. We all are governed by our food habits, culinary culture, and the spices we intake. Everything we eat and crave affects our mind and body. 

Have you ever thought about what the food on your plate says about you? Here are the top 10 eating habits and their relation to your personality according to psychology. 


  • If You Love Salty Foods More Than Sweet:

If you love salty food, you are what is called a supertaster. You are an ambitious and high aiming individual. Not only do you have a highly competitive nature, but also get annoyed at the smallest inconvenience. Very much a solo rider. You also, don't stop until you physically can not push further, which probably isn't the greatest habit. 


  • If You Carve Too Many Sugary Treats

Got a sweet tooth? You are very helpful by nature, a creature of emotion, vulnerable to harsh words and criticism. Kids like you, and so do older people. Your family relies upon you for many things, which is very tiring for you. A sweet lover however has a hard time opening up to other people. As per the study, people who are addicted to sweets and deserts are very likely to fall into the trap of alcoholism, so beware.


  • If Spicy Food Is Your Go-To:

If you are a spice lover then the chances are you eat almost everything. You enjoy trying new cuisines. Spice food lovers are the most dangerous and helpful people there are. You will be the first one to help when needed but also can be cold-hearted if you face betrayal. You probably enjoy your own company very much. You are very independent in a relationship. Temper issues are something a lot of people have pointed out about you. 


  • The Slow Eaters:

At the dining table, if you are the last person to finish your plate, then you may be a slow eater. Some things about slow eaters are pretty predictable like they tend to enjoy the moment and are dedicated to the task at hand. Slow eaters always feel an external pressure to catch up in professional life (like at the dining table) but do not show it in their actions as they can be very stubborn. Being calm, collected, and in control is their thing. Being a slow eater does not always mean you are detail-oriented. 


  • If You Eat Your Food At A Face Pace:

If you eat your food fast then your boss will probably like you very much, as fast pace eaters are very ambitious, multitasking, living on the edge type of people. Your love experiencing as many things as possible. Fast eaters have great fun achieving goals and completing tasks before the deadline. You are very competitive and probably an extrovert. When it comes to love life, you are the adventurous one in the relationship. you care for the needs of your partner before you. 


  • Picky Eater:

Picky eaters are a very anxious personality type, you probably have lied about allergies to avoid eating a specific food item just because you don't wanna come off as childish. Picky eaters are organized, don't settle for less, and are very attentive to the details. You probably have your goals for the next 5 years fixed. Though picky eating can come for as a bad habit, this also tells how much you enjoy taking responsibility. Picky eaters are also not great at taking risks and tend to stick with food (among other things) that comfort them. This habit is sometimes linked with eating disorders. 


  • If You Keep Your Diet In Check:

We all have met this type of eater, they count calories, are careful of the food they eat, read labels on the food material, and probably understand what macro and micros are. This type of person is very conscious of public opinion. This type of eater is independent yet very aware of their surroundings. This diet habit requires a high level of organizing skills, which they likely possess.  


  • If You Decorate Your Plate Very Carefully:

Most people don't like when two foods touch each other. If you are this type of eater, then organization, maintenance. cleanliness and sophistication are very important for you. You are a big believer in micromanaging, consciously or unconsciously. Organized eaters will complete their tasks on time and also help others. In a relationship you are dominant. You become a great caregiver, but way too strict.


  • Messy Mix Eater:

Open to adventure, the mixed messy eater is the extrovert in the family. They take more they can bite, literally and figuratively. For the mixed eater, adventurers are everywhere. Commitment issues, difficulty organizing tasks, unable to flow a schedule, and voting for impromptu plans, are some of the traits. Some mixed eaters are also very fast eaters. 


  • Isolationist:

This eating personality is quite unique, an isolationist eater eats one thing at a time. Now you must be thinking "don't we all do that?''The answer is yes and no. Isolationist eaters don't enjoy mixing sweet and savory flavors, they tend to enjoy one flavor completely before taking on the next food item. This tells that people who eat in this style are very detail-oriented, have a hard time opening up to people, they are very less likely to take risks but are very dedicated to the task at hand. They may face hardship in maintaining a work-love balance. 


Maintaining a healthy eating habit is the most important part of the diet. Whatever flavor you prefer, creating a nutritious pallet is the key to a healthy lifestyle.