8 Ayurvedic home remedies for acid reflux approved by doctors

Acid reflux or acidity may sound like a small issue but those who shave them can only know that this can cause the most uneasy feeling. all your attention goes to your belly and you will do anything to solve your problem. 

Many medications on the market are readily available for an instant to relieve acidity but must not work effectively in the long run. The relief is instant but the uneasy ness and heartburn return within a few minutes. Natural remedies are the cleft between the two issues that work for all.

Natural reminders for acidity have been trusted since ancient times, like many other bodily issues. They are without any side effects and work in the long run too.


Why do we get acidity? 

Acidity or acid reflux can happen for many reasons, such as unhealthy eating, rancid food, an improper lifestyle, or medical issues related to the gut. Natural and ayurvedic remedies work in all the following cases. Some of the trusted ayurvedic solutions for acid reflux are as follows: 

  1. Buttermilk: Chanch or butter will is a simple and effective way to remedy acidity as it has neutralizing properties. Buttermilk has lactic acid that neutralizes the additional acid in the stomach. It is best to have buttermilk with a pinch of black pepper or pink salt. 

  2. Cold milk: Similar to the buttermilk, cold milk has the power to neutralize the acids and protect the stomach lining from being affected by the acid. It also works by absorbing extra acid. 

  3. Cumin seeds: Cumin, used in cooking, is also great for digestion, due to its enzymes' secretion. To treat acidity, Jeera has to be roasted on a pan for less than one minute and then added to one cup of water. Stir well and gulp down. 

  4. Banana: A ripe banana is rich in potassium that has widely known alkaline properties. A fresh yellow banana will act as a neutralizing agent and cure heartburn and acidity within a few minutes of use. 

  5. Coconut water: Eating too frequently and fast can be a cause that leads to acidity, so if you need protection from acidity without starving, you can drink coconut water. Coconut water is the best natural remedy that will help feel full and cool in the stomach. Fresh coconut water is most effective in the morning.

  6. Papaya: If acid reflux is not an occasional issue, but has been a perpetual issue, papaya is the long-running competitor in the game. Papaya is best used after meals, or with breakfast, so it coats your stomach with alining of the protective layer to avoid acid build-up. 

  7. Sleep on your left side: Stomach is located on the left side, with the esophagus turning to the right. With sleeping on the right, the acid rises causing heartburn. Sleeping on the left, especially right after eating, keeps the acid in the thickly lined area.  


Things to avoid: 

Heartburn and acidity can be avoided with simple lifestyle changes. If you have suffered from acid reflux, doctors would advise you to monitor your eating habits before taking any remedy. The first is, to avoid binge eating. eating fast, frequently, and in-between the meals triggers extra acid production, a great factor in acid reflux 

Being still for too long causes acidity too. Eating extremely spicy food, smoking, drinking, wearing restrictive clothing, and lack of exercise also cause acidity. Many articles advise consuming apple cider vinegar, but it does not work, and for some people, it can worsen the issue. Incorporate spices like turmeric, cumin, fennel seeds, coriander, and hing (asafetida) in your diet is also best. 


Ayurvedic remedies, however, do not have side effects and are suitable for all people suffering from acid reflux.