What are the different types of milk, and how to choose the right for dietary needs?

In the early days of farming, life was simple. The variety of food was scarce and people have lower health complications if any. 


Now two individuals rarely have the same lifestyle. With this difference in lifestyle, the variety of food available is also vast. We have a wide range of options available, this is also true for milk. But what is the difference between all these types?


Here's a list of types of milk and how to choose the ideal type. 


Whole milk 

Whole milk is the commonly found milk type, with the maximum percentage of the fat available in unprocessed milk. Whole milk gives a thick, slightly yellowish cream layer when rested. It contains 150 calories of milk. 



Full cream is just another name for whole milk. This milk is unprocessed and has the highest content of fat percentage, between 3.1% to 3.5% 


2% milk

This type of milk is processed to lower the fat percentage in the milk. The unprocessed 3.5% fat level is reduced to be 2%, as per the name. This milk is not optimum for churning butter and other products and has a thinner layer of creme. The user can get maximum benefits of the milk with this variety without worrying about the calories. 


Low-fat milk:

If you are diet conscious and are looking for a milk substitute, then you must have been recommended to be low fat. Low fat has a 1 % fat constituent which is removed by the process of centrifugation. The milk has close to no fat. this milk is also recommended to the people with 


Skimmed milk:

Skimmed milk is the zero percent fat milk that is perfect for getting all the proteins of the milk, without adding any calories to your diet. Skimmed milk is pre-prepared by the process of skimming that removes all the cream from the milk. This leaves the milk watery and lighter in texture than regular milk. This is solved by adding milk powder and added nutrients to gain thickness. 


Toned milk:

The second most popular choice of milk is tanned. This type of milk comes under the processed milk category, as it is produced by adding milk powder and water to whole milk. This variety is still high in fat percentage with 3%fat. 


Double toned milk: 

Double-toned is prepared by adding double amounts of water and milk powder to reduce the fat percentage by half. This milk variety provides the same rich taste of milk with half the fat percentage. This milk is good for fitness enthusiasts and heart patients. 


Evaporated milk:

Evaporated milk has less water quantity and more fat. with 12% this variety of milk has low fat connected with the creamy texture. best used in dessert preparation,  evaporated milk is also called ‘unsweetened condensed milk.


Plant-based milk:

Many people have a vegan diet, so for this audience milk comes from plant-based sources. plant-based milk does form multiple with three distinguishing tastes and nutritive value. soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, and rice milk are some of the popular varieties of plant-based milk.