How to become popular on Instagram, influencers reveal their secret

Social media fame is not as easy to achieve as you might think, it requires very heavy research, editing, writing, and shooting. But with a few simple tricks and hacks, you make your work easy and can get many followers within weeks.


1) Editing Hacks

You see so many good pictures and videos on social media and you must think that it requires a lot of work but it's simpler than that. Simple editing apps on your phone can also be used to edit an eye-catching and like-worthy picture. Since vintage is coming back try filters to click the picture. 


2) Post Continuously

Posting continuously and consistently can help you gain followers. People only follow those who post and stay active. Even if you post once a day, keep your audience engaged with your profile. This is the reason you see the influences posted continuously. 


3) Interact With The Audience

Replying to the audience, if it's in the comments or DMs can be very important in gaining followers. The audience feels welcomed if they see the influencer react with the audience. They feel special with your reply. It may be very difficult to reply to all the messages but try to do it as much as you can.


4) Stories And Status. 

Don't underestimate the power of stores. The 24 hours of a temporary post is a very important method of engaging with your audience. people fear missing out on the stories of their favorite influencers. Talk to the audience about important things, use and try new filters, do anything you want to. 


5) Hashtags

Most social media allows you to use 50 hashtags in a post. Make the most of it, use the best, trending, and relatable hashtags for your post. Don't be ashamed to make the most of your brand. 

It is important to keep yourself updated with the latest trends and updates to boost your products and brands. Use the social media platforms to your benefit.