Table etiquettes for all cultures that you must know.

It doesn't matter where you eat at home, at a party, the only important thing is how you have your meal and what your behavior is. You should follow basic table etiquette.


Why are Table etiquettes important?

  1. It is essential to make a good impression.

  2. It shows your upbringing.

  3. If you improperly eat your meal, then you may choke and it may cause a medical issue.

  4. Mealtime can make you and your kids disciplined.

  5. It makes the people more familiar.

  6. You will not face any humiliation and 'oops' moments at the grand parties. 

These are some table tips: 

  • Never begin the meal before all the invites or members will reach.

  • Don't blow on your food and spill it on others, wait for it to cool and then have it.

  • Always give both salt and pepper jointly, even if someone asked for one of them.

  • Ask to Be Excused.

  • Always keep your mouth closed while eating.

  • Food should be passed on to your right, but it doesn't signify that you can't offer it to the individual sitting on your left.

  • Avoid Stuffing Your Mouth.

  • Never use your fingers to force your meal from your scoop.

  • Keep the meal on your right and water on your left.

  • Keep your phone away from the table.

  • Do not drink while chewing your food.

  • Avoid burping or making other rough sounds at the table.

  • Never add salt and pepper before tasting the meal.

  • Avoid putting your elbows on the table.

  • Eat slowly and match yourself to complete your food with the others.

  • Put the napkin on your chair if you move to the restroom at the midpoint of the meal.

  • Hold your glass by the stem if you are drinking from a stemmed glass.

  • Never lick your spoon or plate after a meal.

  • Once you're done, put the fork and knife at the center of the plate.

  • Thank the host before you leave and give compliments about the food if you loved it.