Reduce your belly fat with these five exercises

We all want to look attractive and adorable, especially women. But, our belly fat is the barrier in our life that makes us chubby and stay away, wear a saree on beautiful occasions. So, now it is possible to do these exercises and cut your belly fat.


Russian Twist

Reduce your belly fat with these five exercises

  1. Sit on the mat, lift your legs, keep your knees flexed, and lean back a little. Merge your palms to balance your body.

  2. Bend your upper body from the left to the right.

  3. You may do three sets of 12 reps for best results.


Half-Seated Reverse Crunch

Reduce your belly fat with these five exercises

  1. Sit on a mat, flex your knees, and place your feet on the flat floor. Tilt back and keep your body on your elbows.

  2. Put your legs off the floor and get your knees almost close to your nose.

  3. Slowly, fetch your legs down to the starting place. Do three sets of 15 reps.


Legs ins and outs

Reduce belly fat these five exercises

  1. Sit on a mat. Place your hands behind you, with the palms flat on the mat. Raise your legs off the floor and tilt back a short.

  2. Tuck your legs in simultaneously, and bring your upper body close to your knees.

  3. Go back to the starting position. Do two sets of 20 reps.



Reduce your belly fat with these five exercises

  1. Kneel down on a mat.

  2. Place your elbows on the mat.

  3. Expand your right leg back, then your left leg.

  4. Hold your neck, back, and hips in the same line. Maintain your body engaged.

  5. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds. Do hold of 3 sets of 30-60 seconds.


Mountain Climbers

Reduce your belly fat with these five exercises

  1. Reach into a high-plank position with your wrists instantly beneath your shoulders.

  2. Hold your body tight, pulling your belly button in toward your spine.

  3. Drive your right knee toward your chest and bring it back to plank.

  4. Then, move your left knee toward your chest and get it back. Continue to alternate sides.