Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

We use emojis quite frequently in our everyday life. some emojis to make the text exciting, some to make the sentence polite. Some people don't use emojis at all, but some can not press send without using emojis. 


Here are the top 10 emojis used in the year 2021, by Unicode, that are most popular this year as well.


10) Smiling face with smiling eyes:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

This emoji is used to show genuine happiness and appreciation. Sending a loving smile to the receiver, this emoji is used mostly at the end of the conversation. 


9) Smiling face with heart eyes:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

The heart eyes say it all, you can use this emoji in response to loving the previous text. If you have received a picture, and you wanna show you very much liked it, you can simply send this emoji. 


8) Smiling face with heart:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

This emoji is used if you are feeling shy, loved, and happy. This emoji is very new and used quite frequently because of its versatility. you can use this emoji to be polite. If you can think of a response, or want to end the conversation without being rude, the emoji is your response.  


7) Face blowing a kiss:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

The heart in front of this emoji is a kiss. This emoji is used to send love and kisses to the receiver. thank your friends, express your love and happiness with this emoji. 


6) Folded hands:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

Folded hands emoji is used to show gratitude, hope, religious sentiment, appreciation, and spirituality. If you are sending warm wishes, hoping for a positive outcome, thanking god for positivity, you can use this emoji. 


5) Loudly crying face:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

This emoji is used for showing sadness, in the form of tears running down the face. If you are feeling an overwhelming sensation for any reason, this emoji is the way to go. On social media, this emoji is also used in embarrassing situations. 


4) Thumbs-up:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

Thumbs up, like in real life, is used to wish luck. to wish someone all the best you can send this emoji. thumbs up emojis are also used to agree to a plan of action. 


3) Rolling on the floor laughing:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

For laughing uncontrollably, till you feel cramps in your stomach, this emoji is used to show that the context is extremely hilarious. 


2) Red heart :

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

In simple words, you use this emoji with only people close to you. The red heart emoji if sent only once turns into a gif of beating heart, and thus can be overwhelming. There is no such hard fast rule for when you can use it or not, but it is to be used with only the people close to you.


1) Face with tears of joy:

Top 10 emojis that are used most frequently, and their meaning

We have all experienced this, when the text is too funny and you get tears from laughing too hard, this emoji is the perfect reason for that. But sometimes this emoji is also used to express uncertainty. If you suggest a plan and are unsure if the other person(s) will agree or not, you can end the sentence with this emoji, to play safe.