Food to keep blood sugar levels low, and diabetes in control

People with diabetes have the hardest time selecting foods because many ingredients have components that can spike up the blood sugar levels. After years of trying and testing, many people gather a list of food they eat and can not eat.


If you yet make the idea of foods you can add to your meal so as to keep the blood sugar level in moderation and keep your diabetes in control here are a few ideas of food to add to your list. 


  • Leafy vegetables: Adding leafy vegetables is always the best and recommended by all health experts. People with diabetes can always fill their plates with these ingredients because most leafy green vegetables are non-starchy. Starch is a big no for diabetes, so with spinach, cabbage, artichokes, and other non-starchy and leafy vegetables you can add fibers to your meal, and increase feel full without putting your health at risk. 

  • Fish is good: Fatty fish is good for your diet because not only does it have a sufficient amount of antioxidants, it also has omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA which protect you from any heart health complications that can be the result of diabetes. 

  • Eggs in the morning: eggs can add a required level of healthy fats to the meal without increasing the level of blood sugar. Having 6 to 12 eggs in a week will provide high protein without any adverse effects. Although eggs are perfect for an all-time meal, eating egg yolk at any time other times in the morning can increase cholesterol levels. 

  • Healthy fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered healthy and are required to lower the cholesterol level. Avocados, Asparagus, Celery, Olives, Chia seeds, Squashes, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios are some of the healthy fat options. 

  • No to sodium: monitoring the sodium level is a compulsory step. Most people assume that eating low salt food will solve all the problems, but as much as salt is the culprit it is important to keep eye on other food ideas that have sodium in it, especially prepacked food and snacks. 

  • No sweet, no sugar: it goes without saying that sugar and foods with sugar are a big no. Fruit and fruit joints are healthy for a nondiabetic, and can be harmful to a diabetic person. 

  • Bye-bye, alcohol: say no to alcohol, if you want to keep your insulin under control. 

  • Process meat: processed meat is low in nutrients and causes cholesterol issues. Even in small amounts, they are not good for heart health. 

  • Fibers are friendly: the fiber-rich hood is excellent for all diabetic people, with the food item having low sugar content, they have excellent nutritious meals. Please, apple, banana, leafy vegetables, carrots, squash, kidney beans, beans, chickpeas, and many more items should be on your grocery list. 

  • Probiotics daily are going to: all milk products can have great advantages without any harmful effects. Great you parts and unsweetened curd have an additional advantage for gut health.