6 tips to prepare for the summer of 2022

Hotter days come closer and closer with every tick of the clock. The season of fun and vacation is also the season of sunburn and sweat. So it is important to be prepared with your summer essentials. 

In the hot season of the year, the needs of the body change, from more water requirements to sun protection, here is the way you can protect yourself from the hit sun and rising temperature this summer. 

Drink more water: The rise in temperature increases the water requirement in your body, so it's time to fill up your water bottle with chilled water. There are numerous benefits of carrying water bottles, apart from hydration in summer. The sweat and heat dry up the skin faster in summer, so it is important that you have your water bottle in hand all the time. 

Sleep Better: Summer night sleep is hard to achieve because the nights get hotter, but it dictates you the next day. Investing in a humidifier is an all-season necessity, especially in summer. With the nightly healing sleep, humidifiers maintain the moisture in the air which helps in skin irritation cracked lips, sinus, allergy, dry throat, and irritation. 

Fresh Vegetables: Summer is said to be the season for fruits (and vegetables), so grab a basket and get them fresh. from watery watermelon to juicy mangoes, enjoy nature's desserts and fresh green leafy vegetables in summer. 

Sunscreen: With one bottle of SPF 50 sunscreen you will save thousands and thousands of rupees of medical expenditure. The benefits of sunscreen are numerous, and your dermatologist will thank you for wearing it. yes! enen indoors. 

Cotton Clothes: It goes without saying, but it's time to go light on your clothing. Try staying away from artificial materials and go for cotton. Light color cotton cloths give your skin space to breathe, and the sweat dries faster to avoid irritation. 

Sun Protection: This goes beyond sunscreen. Wearing sunglasses can shield your eyes from the sun, or take your umbrella with you, or your hat.  Skin on your lips requires special attention, so a medicated lip balm or lips gloss is a must if you are heading out.